Doug Lung's
New FCC Guidelines on Radio Frequency Exposure
Comments on DTV Power Levels
Real World DTV Coverage Prediction
Important Note After this column was at the printers I noticed I'd used the 44 dBu signal level from the FCC's uncorrected 6th Report and Order Appendix A. The correct signal level, based on a 7 dB UHF noise figure, is 41 dBu. Therefore, the three levels of signal strength should be 41, 61 and 75 dBu, instead of those specified. The maps would show these levels if the transmitter power was 150 kW instead of the 300 kW indicated. I apologize for the error. - home page - AFCCE home page - AFCCE filing - du Treil, Lundin & Rackley, Inc. Reply Comments - home page
This is a clickable list of Web resources listed at the end of this month's RF Technology column in TV Technogy magazine. More details on the items I write about are often available on the Internet. TV Technology is published twice monthly and my column usually appears in the second issue each month. Free subscriptions are available to professional broadcasting and audio-visual equipment users. Contact TV Technology at +1 703-998-7600 or fax +1 703-998-2966. Be sure to tell them you read about it on Doug Lung's RF Page @
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Last modified September 28, 1997 by Doug Lung
Copyright © 1997 H. Douglas Lung